As Vincent had asked the question on yesterdays Blog why were they not wearing life jackets, Alan replied that he would ensure he wore his from now on. The day was grey and chilly enough to require a jacket.
Later on after we had passed through the Wicopesset Passage it got foggy and wet enough for Alan to put on his full Oilies. We remained under engine the whole way as the wind was from dead ahead. At one stage the Fog got so thick Alan had the feeling we were motoring down hill. He said it really was an odd feeling and we think it may have had to do with the fact that there was no visible horizon! The day remained grey all the way to Block Island which after awhile we could see in the mist.
We hoped to pick up a CCA (Cruising Club of America) mooring within the Great Salt Pond, but sadly they were occupied so we had to motor around till we found a suitable one.
Brec was on the helm and Alan picked up the mooring and made up to it.
Sandy then organised lunch, Brec gave our BBF an anchor beer, that and lunch he had in the cockpit. Brec went about his boat chores while Sandy read and our BBF had a nap below. He then had a wash and brush up ready to go ashore with Brec.
They got a water taxi to the shore and then had a long walk into town. Brec was fortunate in having had a celebration on the Island 20 years ago in May when he returned from his circumnavigation which was organised by his brother John. Some 80 people in all came. Our return by comparison was a damp squib, Alan had dressed our boat overall but there was no one on the jetty to great us or celebrate with.

They went to the veranda of the National Hotel and had a Guiness to celebrate, something Brec does whenever he is here.
Muscles were ordered and

Brec said they were finger licking good.
Afterwards they walked past the burnt out Harborside Inn to get a small ice cream before heading back to the boat and Sandy who had stayed aboard.
Our BBF then made the evening meal.
As cooks do not wash up Brec then did the necessary chores and so the day ended in harmony and a sense of well being.