2 September 2023

On to Onset.

Our BBF got up a couple of times in the night to look at the stars. The moon always scares them away, but the night sky was cloudless and a few did their best to shine through, Orion’s Belt was easily visible. During the night the wind blew hard for a bit, but we were all snug so slept on. This morning Brec started the engine at 08:45hrs to charge the batteries which woke us all up. He then listend to the shipping forecast while our BBF cleared away his bed and made a cup of tea.  The men then discussed the possibility of moving on today. As the winds were light Brec was hopeful that they could make Onset Bay today. Our BBF had wanted to go ashore to get proper Wifi so we could send our Blog, but when it was agreed that they should attempt the passage he stayed on board, made a potato salad and egg salad sandwiches for lunch. At one stage Brec helped peel the hard boiled eggs and discovered that we had fresh eggs after all!

We set off around 11:30hrs and the going was fine. The wind was on the nose but the engine and boat made reasonable headway against it and the adverse current. There were hardly any clouds to be seen, just a few fluffy white ones on the horizon to the North of us. Sandy sat and read, Alan kept watch, the Autopilot steered and Brec Navigated and did the many necessary boat jobs. He is a fine seaman and we all feel safe in his lovely little yacht. Sandy near the end of the day remarked that Alan was a stalwart seaman. Well we don’t know about that, we only know that he and Brec are very similar and both have confidence in each others sailing ability, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

When we arrived at the entrance to the channel leading to the Cape Cod Canal our BBF turned off the Autopilot and hand steered all the way to the anchorage where we now are. Brec put the hook down and after they had made sure it had held the engine was turned of and our BBF went  below to prep and cook the evening meal. The Skipper (Brec) broke out the anchor beers and a toast was given to a successful day.

The meal was enjoyed by all and after Brec had cleared away the humans sat looking at their mobile phones and there was silence on the boat.

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