The view from our Hotel window across the harbour.

The humans slept well and when our BBF woke he was the last one as Brec had already gone to the boat and Sandy was in the bathroom. He showered and got dressed packed all his stuff and then Brec returned and the humans went for breakfast. Hurricane Lee by all accounts is due to hit here on Saturday 16 September. Brec said they had to decide how best to secure OTTER for this event. It was decided that the men would do all that was necessary to secure her and take her out to a mooring today. If possible they wanted to stay an extra night in Lunenburg before taking off on a land based holiday returning on Friday 15 September to watch how OTTER faired in the Hurricane. They tried to get an extra night in the hotel, but they were all booked up. Sandy found a Motel where we could stay and the car booking was change to tomorrow too. They went to the Savvy Sailor for breakfast and after breakfast Brec went to ensure we got a mooring and Alan and Sandy returned to the hotel to get their kit. They then went to the Zwickert Dock and the boat where Sandy packed for the shore based holiday. Brec returned and then the real work started.
The men put Sandy and her kit with our kit ashore and they worked together for the rest of the day stripping all sails off the boat and generally making her have less windage and more secure for the Hurricane when it arrived on Alan’s birthday! They worked quite well as a team and consequently although it took until about 17:00 hrs, without a break for lunch, which upset Brec, the boat was ready then to be taken out to a heavy boat mooring on the other side of the harbour.
Booms and whisper poles were taken and stowed below with all sails the liferaft and the dodgers too were taken down.
Alan had pumped up the dinghy and when all work for today was done they climbed aboard and went back to the dockside leaving the good ship

OTTER to her own devises.

To the left of the very white schooner and before the little red boat you can see OTTER on her mooring.
On the dockside the men now discovered there were only two taxis in Lunenburg and they were both out, one in Halifax at the airport and the other out in the wilds of Canada!
It was at least a mile and a half to the hotel would we have to walk it? The humans decide to go for a meal, but being a Monday it was a rest day for most restaurants restaurants! The Dockside Hotel restaurant was open so they went back there to eat.
It was at least a mile and a half to the hotel would we have to walk it? The humans decide to go for a meal, but being a Monday it was a rest day for most restaurants restaurants! The Dockside Hotel restaurant was open so they went back there to eat.
Our BBF had Lunenburg Scallops with fries and mayonnaise all washed down with a good white wine.
Now the Gods smiled on us for the one Taxi called to say they could pick us up and would be there shortly. We all walked back to Zwicket’s Dock and waited.
When we pulled up outside the Motel there were four deer caught in the headlights of the taxi.
The room is not a nice as our last hotel, but we have a bathroom and beds enough to sleep in. The humans are tired after a long days hard work, showered or just fell into bed. Tomorrow is another day.
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