After being left out of the fun for a day we were thankfully included when Alan and George went to do their tourist bit in New York!
Brec took us all to Milford station where we got on the 0859hrs train to Grand Central Terminal on the Sunday and Sandy took us on the Monday. Both journeys were uneventful, but interesting as we saw the countryside on the way in. Once again it was a perfect summer sunny day with clear blue skies on the Sunday. By Monday it was still warm, but mainly overcast.
Grand Central is a place one just has to put on one's "Bucket List" of things to have seen before one croaks. It is the station to beat all stations. We know, we've seen a few, but this one is special. Not only does it have lots of platforms, called Tracks here, but it is on a number of levels and all done in beautiful marble. The marble we now know is Tennessee Marble and is described as being a pinkish grey colour. On the lower levels are food halls, shoe shine boys, and musicians entertaining the passengers on their way to goodness knows where. The main concourse has a huge concave ceiling with a beautiful blue roof depicting the stars from Aquarius to Cancer.
Alan and George passed on down to the Subway levels and took an underground train to a place called Bowling Green so that they could get on the Ferry to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. It must be said for those coming after us, OAPs are called "Seniors" here and they start at 62 and can travel and gain entry at reduced rates.
Now began the fun that Alan hates and George is not too fond of either. It being a Sunday hundreds, if not thousands of other people had the same idea. Since 9/11 security is tight so we had to queue for quite a bit in a snaking line of people at first in the brilliant sunshine than in the hall where airport type security checks were done. Once through one had to wait for a ferry to come and disgorge its homeward passengers before we could embark.
The view looking back on the way to the Statue.
The view looking back as we sailed for the Statute of Liberty was really good, but as you can see from the returning ferry, the ferries were crowded.
We all walked around the island and Alan took some photos. Then finally as proof we were there, he found a little chap to hold us up to be photographed.
Before he gave us back to our BBF he gave us a nice big cuddle which we enjoyed I can tell you, for we do not get many of those now a days.
After Ellis Island we all returned to Manhattan where we went first to a Deli for lunch, and then on to Ground Zero to look at that huge monument to "man's inhumanity to man."
Back on the Subway to went to Brooklyn where Alan took pictures of the skyline and the sunset.
Alan and George had a beer in a beach bar before returning to Grand Central and home, tired but happy.
The next day saw us all up early again for the next session. Being a work day the train was not as crowded, but the streets when we got there were just as crowded as Sunday.
We walked up Park Avenue, down Fifth Avenue, took a look at the Empire State but didn't go up it. When we got to the Rockefeller Centre we did. The views were something special as we hope you can see from the few pics Alan has let us post.
St Patrick's Cathedral
The Empire State
Once back down Alan went into the Cathedral and lit a candle and said a prayer for Hanna as today was a special anniversary for them.
They then took a taxi to Times Square and walked round it taking photos of the crazies who were there as well as the lights.
The Naked Cowboy
More crazies
Not one of the crazies, but George.
Look closely and you'll see Spiderman and Ironman!
We're just having a good time.
Spongebob and Catwoman
We then walked to Central park via Carnegie Hall.
The green lung of New York, known as Central Park
And last but not least we explored the Apple Store in the Big Apple and then headed for home and a last meal with out hosts. A better time is difficult to imagine at the moment.
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