When we were ready to set off this morning at 08:00hrs the sun looked as if it would shine all day! The humans had decided to walk to Asambuja today some 18 kilometres according to the guide book!

When we got to the river there were some dark clouds but the Gods were kind for the sun did come out later.

The humans never seemed to miss a photo opportunity either!

Mind you we think if they wanted to fit in with these statues they should have been looking up to the sky!

As soon as Alan saw some poppies he thought of his Camino sister Pat and took a picture.

The Way today basically followed the railway line which was much nicer than the road. It was fairly quite as there were not many trains. At one place they came to was a station and so the humans after some 5 kilometres walking or so looked for a toilet and a café. Sadly they spent many useless minutes looking but found neither!

When we got to the river there were some dark clouds but the Gods were kind for the sun did come out later.
The humans never seemed to miss a photo opportunity either!
Mind you we think if they wanted to fit in with these statues they should have been looking up to the sky!
As soon as Alan saw some poppies he thought of his Camino sister Pat and took a picture.
The Way today basically followed the railway line which was much nicer than the road. It was fairly quite as there were not many trains. At one place they came to was a station and so the humans after some 5 kilometres walking or so looked for a toilet and a café. Sadly they spent many useless minutes looking but found neither!
They walked on to Vala do Carregado where by another station they found a café and a toilet.
With flooded fields on one side and the railway line on the other, the only real sign of civilisation! There were many snails though.
On at least two occasions the path was blocked with a gate, but a way round was easily found or as in this case one could go through it!
To our humans surprise when they got to Azambuja they found yet another Bull Ring!
Now the guide Book and the App on Alan‘s phone lied! The pilgrims hostel was not to be found where marked. After asking a number of people they eventually found the first sign to the hostel. But now they had walked about 24 kilometres!
The hostel was basic, small and our humans were the first to check in, consequently they had a free choice of beds.
Alan chose one in the corner by a plug. They were not allowed to take their rucksacks to the bunk, but had to leave them outside the designated sleeping area!
An orange tree in bloom was outside the back of the hostel where the washing line was and the laundry had to be done. Its fragrance was lovely and compensated for having to wait to do the laundry!
While our humans were in the shower other pilgrims arrived. The Finnish couple, an Italian man and then a couple of elderly French women. One of the Frenchwomen was looking to swap a top bunk for a bottom bunk with our humans, but Alan showed the scar on his knee and that ended the conversation!
Our humans then sought out a café where they had WIFI, for the hostel has none. They sat then doing their internet stuff, drinking isotonic drinks, chatting and waiting until 18:00hrs when they could order the first pilgrim’s menu they had come across!
We Bears meanwhile have been left in the hostel to guard their stuff!
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