22 January 2011


While looking for a recipe for parsnip soup in a "Delia" cookbook which used to belong to my mother, I came across this photo of me in a former life time. How can they be so irresponsible and give someone so young, so much responsibility, I ask now some 43 years later?

I didn't find a suitable recipe, so will have to improvise. The majority of parsnip soups I have found recipes for are curried. Hanna is not so fond of spicy food, while I love Indian and Thai food, so my parsnip soup should not be spicy. I shall make a parsnip soup with garlic and vanilla and add grilled tiger prawns as a garnish. What do you think? Will it work? I'll let you know.

1 comment:

  1. My soup was a success. Hanna liked it which is what matters, but I would have liked a bit of chilli in it to give it more pep.
