When it came to Communion the congregation formed a circle and those serving went round clockwise. Our BBF and Brec got on the side where Sandy was serving. Each human took a piece of bread from one server and dipped it into the wine (Sandy) before eating it. The congregation then held hands for the last prayers.
Our humans returned home, where Brec got changed into work clothes to go and sort out a few things on the boat as the weather was so fine. Sandy and our BBF got in the VW Beatle with the top down as it was so sunny and warm and went shopping.
They stopped for lunch at Five Guys which has the reputation of having the best Burgers in the country.
They were certainly good and came up to the hype they had on the walls.
Alan wanted a simple Luggage Strap for the new suitcase, but it proved a bit difficult finding one. Eventually they did. He also bought a couple of Air Tags to put in the suitcases which they found in Walmart, and a couple of Luggage Labels too. Then it was back to Milford. He finished packing the one suitcase and then Booked in for his flight online.
That done a certain stress fell from his shoulders.
When Brec returned from work the humans went out for a last meal together in a really nice Italian restaurant down town.
Our BBF ordered a salad for a starter, but it was huge and he just ate enough to make him want more.
He had a Seafood Platter with Linguine and it was indeed good. Sea food here in Connecticut is always fresh and not something he can get as easily in Mönchengladbach.

The humans toasted themselves and the adventure that had shared and enjoyed some more good time together.
Back at home they relaxed and watched a film, the Green Book which is base don a true story, was funny as well as being a comment on racism in America. One last toast using the Shipfaced Glasses filled with Port ended the perfect day before they retired to bed.
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