Christmas News 2020

Lost Christmas Cheer
Since I last wrote a Blog or email little to no adventure has taken place in my or the Bears lives! We are avoiding unnecessary contact und thus we hope the Covid-19 pandemic. So far so good! Our various guardian angels are working overtime to keep us safe and I wondered who, other than God, cares for our guardian angels? My Bears had the answer. (See above)
The second wave situation here in Germany as I write is getting serious if not dramatic. I find it sad that there are so many people who think it nothing more than a serious bought of flu. The long term repercussions are only slowly becoming apparent too. As I write they have registered more than 28000 new cases and almost 500 deaths due to Corona in the last 24 hours! And the tendency is up and not down. I know of two good friends that got infected, were quite poorly for awhile, but seem to have recovered somewhat now. As they are 90 and over 80 I pray that they do not have any lasting effects as others do. Well it seems that the German government are moving to declaring a general lockdown on Wednesday 15 December! I had intended to avoid all contact from Monday anyway in an effort to be able to spend at least two separate days of the Christmas period, one with each of my patchwork families!
I still bake cakes each Sunday and then distribute pieces to my neighbours and my patchwork family. My sourdough bread baking has become one of my passions and I am getting better with it all the time. Now that I slice up the loaves and freeze them as soon as they cool off, I manage to eat every last crumb for I only take out a slice at a time. Consequently I now need only to bake two loaves once a month.
The Bears and I wish you all, despite the current Covid situation, a blessed Christmas and a new year filled with good health and happiness.
Stay negative!